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IB French

Happy Student
French ab initio

Part of the IB Diploma Programme subject group 2, Language Acquisition, French ab initio is recommended for students who have little or no experience of learning French. Our course content is designed to be challenging, engaging and a positive educational experience for each student.


French B SL

Language B Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) are language acquisition courses for students with some previous experience of learning the language. While studying the language, students also explore the culture(s) connected with it.


Themes covered through the course

Five prescribed themes are common to the syllabuses of language ab initio and language B; the themes provide relevant contexts for study at all levels of language acquisition in the DP, and opportunities for students to communicate about matters of personal, local or national, and global interest.


The five prescribed themes are:

  • identities

  • experiences

  • human ingenuity

  • social organization

  • sharing the planet.

First Assessment 2020 (French ab initio)

Paper 1 - (1 hour) - 25%

Productive skills—writing (30 marks)

Two written tasks of 70–150 words each from a choice of three tasks, choosing a text type for each task from among those listed in the examination instructions.


Paper 2 (1 hour 45 minutes) - 50%

Receptive skills—separate sections for listening and  reading (65 marks)

Listening comprehension (45 minutes) (25 marks) - 25%

Reading comprehension (1 hour) (40 marks) - 25%

Comprehension exercises on three audio passages and three written texts, drawn from all five themes.


Internal assessment - 25% (Check full course @Udemy)

This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course.

Individual oral assessment - (30 marks)

A conversation with the teacher, based on a visual stimulus and at least one additional course theme.

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